Tippmann 98 custom review

Price: $139.99
Weight: 2.9 lb.
Caliber: .68 in.
Stock barrel: 8.5 in.
Available colors: black, silver and camouflage
Warranty: 1 year
Feed rate: 8 bps

I purchased the 98 c a little over a year ago and have played several times with it. At $140 it can't be beat. While it might not be in the same league as an Angel or Autococker for a beginner, it is one of the best options. Not only is the most customizable marker on the market with a million and one barrels, grips, internals and sights, it is very sturdy and will hold up to what ever you do to it. Because of all the upgrades you can purchase, it can be an effective marker even for an experienced player. Although I currently use Co2 the marker will accept Co2, hpa (High Pressure Air) or nitrogen. The marker comes semi-auto standard. For $100 dollars you can buy the E-trigger to make it full-auto although, with a relatively slow feed rate of 8 bps you won't see it winning the NPPL. Overall it is worth the price tag. I would however, suggest you save another $40 and buy the A-5.(that is if you don't want to sell your car to buy an Angel)


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